As you think of the future, we hope that you will keep homeless cats close to your heart. The creation of a planned gift is a meaningful way to help us continue to serve cats in need for many years to come. Including Paws and Claws in your estate plans makes a lasting impact on a cause that you care about.
It is relatively simple to create a planned gift through a bequest (the most common way) or donating via insurance, real estate or retirement assets. In addition, there are important tax considerations tied to planned gifts.
We are pleased to recognize our current planned giving donors through inclusion in a new Legacy Society. We hope that you will contact us if you would like to be a part of this new group of esteemed supporters.
If you would like to learn more about the ease in creating a legacy gift, please contact Ashlynn Boyce, Executive Director, 773-402-9838 or by email at ashlynn@pawsandclawschicagorescue.org. All information requests are confidential.
Planning your gift
Sample Bequest of Specific Dollar Amount:
​Sample Bequest of Remainder of Estate:
Sample of Contingency Gift
"I give, devise, and bequeath $_____ to Paws and Claws Rescue Inc, EIN 85-1004813. Paws and Claws may be contacted at 1114 Judson Ave, Evanston IL 60202 or (773) 402-9838."
"I give, devise, and bequeath to Paws and Claws Rescue Inc, EIN 85-1004813, all [or state the fraction or percentage] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal. Paws and Claws may be contacted at 1114 Judson Ave, Evanston IL 60202 or (773) 402-9838."
"In the event that ____________ predeceases me, I give, devise, and bequeath his/her bequest or share to Paws and Claws Rescue Inc, EIN 85-1004813, to be used for its general purposes. Paws and Claws may be contacted at 1114 Judson Ave, Evanston IL 60202 or (773) 402-9838."

Why A Planned Gift
An excellent way to leave a lasting legacy to a favorite organization
Planned gifts can provide significant tax benefits
Current assets may not be negatively impacted or at all
You can designate where you would like your support to go
A win-win for both the donor and the organization
The knowledge that this support goes toward ensuring the perpetuity of Paws and Claws Cat Rescue